Well, it’s that time: The most sentimental—and stressful—time of year.
I love my friends and family, and when it comes to picking out gifts for them, I always find myself at a loss. There’s Dad—what do you get the guy who has everything?—and Mom—who every year says, “Oh don’t get me anything, sweetie.”
But I think I have finally figured out the perfect, one-size-fits-all gift. This year I’ve got an ace in the hole: How about a helicopter tour over the beautiful red rocks of Sedona?
Whether you’re from the area or from a far and looking for a unique experience in the American Southwest, your friends and family will be thrilled.
Wherever you are, helicopter tours are like a step out of reality and into heaven, even if for only fifteen minutes.
But in Sedona, there’s an extra something about aerial tours. I don’t know if it’s the 700 year old ruins—remnants of an era that still seems to emenate from the rocks—or if there really is something to those vortices… Regardless, the view from the air is unforgettable.
If they really want the full experience, you can purchase a gift card for an Intro Flight. The lucky recipient will then get to fly with a flight instructor and learn how to operate a helicopter! They will learn about the helicopter controls and be able to fly it themselves! This is the perfect gift not only for an aspiring pilot, but also for any adventurous soul or the curious sort.
If you don’t believe me, you should check out the great article in Forbes magazine entitled The Secret to Happiness? Spend Money on Experiences, Not Things. The author, Ilya Pozin, cites a 2014 article published in The Journal of Positive Psychology:
“Recent research from San Francisco State University found that people who spent money on experiences rather than material items were happier and felt the money was better spent…
“The thrill of purchasing things fades quickly but the joy and memories of experiences, from epic adventures to minute encounters, can last a lifetime.”
This idea is also in keeping with the new minimalist lifestyle trend that’s being taken up by millenials. More and more people are realizing that their lives are over-cluttered with “stuff.” they’re realizing it feels better all-around to de-clutter lives. Here’s another thought-provoking fact (link):
“In 1930, the average woman only had 36 pieces of clothes in her closet. Today, the average consumer has 120 items of clothing, but 80% go unworn.”
I have to admit I’m guilty of this. So, do I need any more clothes for Christmas this year? That’s a decisive No.
What I do need are opportunities to bond with loved ones. I want to have stories that can enrich my life and the lives of others.
I think the idea that people want experiences more than “stuff” is often overlooked around the holidays. It can be difficult to avoid the shopping mall this time of year, and there’s a lot of pressure to buy new toys, clothes and other knick-knacks.
And if after reading this you still find yourself drawn to that mall parking lot, I don’t blame you. But, if you are looking for a gift that truly transcends the norm and won’t be soon forgotten, we’ve got it for you. And, we can’t wait to share the sky with you and your family.